Pleasure v. Pain

Step into the Pleasure Portal

What is this all about?

Our modern lives are an elaborate, ever-changing dance between pleasure + pain. Should I push extra hard this year for that big promotion or should I not? Should I commit to my current partner or keep searching for the one? Should I watch one more episode or hit the hay? We make millions of tiny decisions every single day, and, more often than not, we go on autopilot.

If our goal is to reduce energy expenditure, this is a highly adaptive strategy. However, if our goal is wild success, autopilot won’t work. This creates an invisible barrier between us and the success we’re looking for. Striving for. If you want to create meaningful, long-lasting change, then you need to learn how to dance with pleasure + pain more effectively. More strategically. More willingly.



Excellent! You’ve already made an incredible decision that will put you closer toward your ultimate vision.

Once you sign up you’ll receive:

  • A welcome email with instructions

  • An invitation to your first coaching call (next Monday)

  • Immediate access to guided implementation practices

  • Access to the private Telegram Group

Who is this for?

Listen, I am going to say this as precisely as I can. This program has been carefully curated for the following type of person.


  • Take radical responsibility for their life

  • Desire meaningful, long-lasting change

  • Value systems thinking, approaches, + methodologies

  • Are fully committed to their next evolution

If you are expecting a quick fix, stop here. There are no magic bullets in life. I know, it sucks. I’m sorry.

Good news: My personal goal is to see you succeed on your own two feet. I don’t want you hooked on this container. We’re seeking interdependence, not codependence. Let’s dance!

What can I expect?

During the 10 weeks you’ll likely feel:

  • Seen

  • Heard

  • Understood

  • Held

  • Appreciated

  • Accepted

  • Curious

  • Creative

  • Challenged

After the 10 weeks you should be feeling:

  • Accomplished

  • Activated

  • Proud

  • Successful

  • Hungry for more

  • Impressed

  • Lighter

  • Brighter

  • Untethered

How does it work?

Super simple!

This is a 10-week interactive experience. Right out of the gates you’ll receive access to in-depth tutorials covering the five most effective self-coaching tools I’ve ever learned. I use these daily in my own personal development practice, and you can start applying them immediately.

Your first live group coaching call will be next Monday. The first 45 minutes will be focused on defusing a powerful limiting belief that either you or another team member is currently experience. The remaining 45 minutes will be for Q&A; a dance of what is needed.

During these 10 weeks you’ll be participating in an endurance version of our classic dopamine detox. Here, we’re setting up a truly sustainable set of lifestyle behaviors that will come with us into the future. You’ll learn what a low dopamine lifestyle feels like, and more importantly, experience the dramatic results.

Each day you’ll share your progress with others taking part in this experience. You never have to walk alone, but you sure as shit better not settle for less than what you truly deserve while we’re working together. I’ve got you, and more importantly, you’ve got yourself. Together, you are unstoppable.

You are so close. I can almost taste it!

“Life is slower and more relaxed. My relationship with my son and partner are 100x deeper and better.” - Susan

What results are typical?

Like everything, results will vary. That said, this is one of the most reliable programs I’ve ever experienced.

The logic is simple: the tools work in concert, not in competition. Your brain (and you) will love it, and therefore, will desire more of it.

The below may not happen during the first month, but if you stick with the plan, by month two you’ll be experiencing most of these:

  • Reduced anxiety

  • Increased happiness and satisfaction

  • Less desire to ‘take the edge off’

  • More clarity

  • Increased strength

  • More energy

  • Better sleep

  • More satisfying and connected relationships

When do we meet?

You and I will meet every Monday, unless there is a holiday. I’ll keep you informed of any changes to regularly scheduled sessions. All sessions will be recorded, in the event you cannot attend.

These sessions will be 75 minutes and conducted in a group format. I’ve found group coaching to be extremely powerful. There is so much to be learned from others, and you’d be amazed what can be illuminated in your own life when you are not in the direct spotlight. Volunteer to be coached live as often as you’d like during these 10 weeks.

What tools are used?

Each of the five essential tools are battle-tested. They’ve been leveraged by thousands of people all over the world and have proven to be both highly effective and easy to implement. I also offer explanations and methodologies grounded deeply in science.

In total, you can expect to spend about 30 minutes a day with these tools. You’ll also report in to the group your progress every night before bed.

Let’s connect.

Still not sure? No problem. Drop a note, and I’ll be in touch shortly. This is a big deal. You have every right to learn more and get your questions answered. 💋