You are about to make

a life-changing decision

Here’s how it works

It is simple. We’re just going to play a little game together over the next 30 days. The name of the game is reducing your overall dopamine exposure. To do this, you’ll proactively seek out low dopamine inducing behaviors (such as working out, reading, chatting with a friend, going to bed early) and avoid high dopamine behaviors (e.g., drugs, alcohol, etc.). You’ll receive a custom-built tracker that contains information about which activities fall into each category. You’ll be docked points for high dopamine activities and you earn points for low dopamine activities. Simple as that.



Amazing! Once you sign up, you’ll receive:

  • A welcome video with instructions

  • Access to the custom tracker

  • Your start date (this upcoming Monday)

  • Access to the private Telegram group

How could this change my life?

Excellent question. There is a very good chance you are inundated with dopamine all day every day without even knowing it. As a result, lots of other hormones are released into your system to bring your mind and body into a state of homeostasis. This can eventually lead to excess stress, anxiety, even depression. You might be robbing yourself of joy + success.

By reseting your reward pathway, you take control of your life. You will feel more joy + pleasure from the simple things in life, like going for a walk or working on a creative project. You will no longer feel the need to chase the dragon by doing activities that are harmful to your health, like drinking to excess, buying things you don’t need, or endlessly scrolling.

Will I receive support?

Absolutely! As soon as you sign up you’ll receive an in-depth video introduction explaining the game in detail. You’ll also immediately gain access to a custom-built tracker, which you’ll further refine to meet your own needs. You are, ultimately, your own game master.

That said, you’ll be invited to join a private Telegram group of other players. They might have started a week or two before you, which means you’ll be surrounded by pros. I’ll also actively be playing the game and reporting in on my own progress.

Furthermore, you’ll receive weekly tips via email. As the challenge comes to a close, I’ll provide recommends for what to do next. While this game is you vs. you, you’ll be surrounded by a loving community.

What can I expect?

Once you sign up you’ll spend a day or so getting familiar with the game, which includes selecting which low dopamine activities you want to pursue on a daily basis and which high dopamine activities you will be actively avoiding.

Based on experience, you might expect the following:

  • Day 1: You’ll be excited, motivated, and crush your score!

  • Days 2-7: You’ll start to doubt yourself and why you’ve signed up to do this. You miss drinking already and don’t quite feel the impact of the low dopamine activities yet.

  • Days 8-11: You’ll get into a groove. You still don’t feel amazing yet, but you are seeing the benefits of avoiding some of your naughtiest behaviors.

  • Days 12-18: This is where most people want to throw in the towel. You’re sick of doing all this stuff without seeing the benefits yet. Don’t give up. The good stuff is coming, but we have to fully flesh out your system. It takes, on average, two weeks to ‘detox’ from big dopamine spikes. For others, it could take up to four.

What about the rest!?

I got you. Here you go:

  • Days 19-28: You are rocking this game. You know which behaviors are easy to fit in, which ones require more planning, and those you aren’t even dealing with anymore. You are highly conscious of what behaviors might lead to the naughty ones, and you are managing your day and time accordingly. High dopamine behaviors don’t just happen, you choose to partake in them. You see this now.

  • Days 29-30: You are feeling all the feels. You are so fucking impressed with yourself but also a little worried about what’s next. Are you going to slam a beer on Day 31? Are you going to sign up for another round? Take on a bigger challenge with even longer-lasting impacts? It is up to you, but you don’t have to decide alone. I’m here for you!

Your experience may vary, but what’s the worst* that could happen? You lay off the booze, drugs, and obsessive scrolling for a few weeks? You can always go back. That is your right.

Get in touch.

Still not sure? No problem. Drop a note, and I’ll be in touch shortly. This is a big deal. You have every right to learn more and get your questions answered. 💋

*Note: For some people, it can be dangerous to stop using drugs or alcohol abruptly. Please seek medical advice before playing this game if you have any concerns. I am not a medical doctor, and this is not medical advice.